SEO Bootcamp with Bruce Clay

This post is so past due it’s not even funny. It’s been just a few weeks since having had the chance to attend Search Engine Land‘s SMX Advanced in Seattle and it was awesome. Not only did I finally get to put real people and faces to their names like getting to chat with Danny Sullivan and of course Rae Hoffman who was great at being friendly and introducing me to others. Thanks for that. Honestly there were so many if I wrote them all it’d probably just look like link bait…so I won’t. It was my first SMX and I must say, I’ll be back. I’m hooked.


Developing a WordPress site like a CMS

Constructing a WordPress site like a CMS can need some heavy lifting
While I was in the process of developing my custom theme for this site, I was also trying to think of functionality. Not just functionality ensuring that your life as a reader was easier, but also making my life as easy as possible too. In the past I have developed a few custom WordPress themes for non-profit events and fund raisers and implemented them as a complete CMS solution.


Hello world! No I really mean it.

Hello World!

Yes in deed, Hello World! Welcome to my little corner of the internet and all the fun stuff that it’s going to bring. Marshall Stevenson dot CA will be a professional blog based on areas of personal interest. One of those areas that I’ve identified thus far is some interviews of select individuals in what’s known as the Internet Marketing realm. This would include people doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Affiliate Marketing, Social Media and more.
