Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs

Not to sound too cliché and taking a line from Tesla, but definitely I can say “signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs” in my pursuit of checking things off on my bucket list. Next on the list is going to be another attempt at reality TV. This time, I’ll need a suitable partner in an attempt to make it on to The Amazing Race Canada.

That’s right, CTV — who owns the rights for the American version — has announced that this summer they’ll be airing a Canadian version. And unlike my attempts for Big Brother Canada, this one will be a success.

It’s also going to be an interesting adventure. This time the show will take place only within the Canadian borders. No passport is required to compete — this time around. I can see the benefit of this from a marketing perspective for each province, territory and the country. I suspect there will be some serious government dollars behind the initiative and it will ultimately turn in to one big commercial for tourism in Canada — in an indirect way of course.

Having had the fortunate opportunity to travel coast-to-coast in Canada I can say that I am looking forward to this experience. Now, the only question is how to get on The Amazing Race Canada. According to their FAQs, you’ll have to wait. They also encourage you to follow @AmazingRaceCDA on Twitter for updates.

I look forward to the opportunity of being on the show and would encourage you to attempt it as well. Even if it’s only for the experience of a reality show audition. But I do have to ask, would you try out? What do you think of the Canadian only travel destinations? Let me know below.


About the Author

Marshall Stevenson is a Director at SPRY. He’s been designing websites since 1995 with a focus on usability. Since 1999 he’s focused heavily on ensuring sites are designed for people and are SEO friendly. Lately he's been spending time on one of the best Winnipeg Jets blogs as an editor and co-founder while also co-hosting the Drunk Hockey Show – a show where friends & guests sit around, drink beer and talk hockey.

Find him being social at Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+

One Response to “Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs”

  1. Trevor says:

    Five Man Electrical Band did Signs Originally…. LOL

    Good Luck Buddy 🙂

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